Driver Fatigue

A major symptom is – the few second snooze and suddenly waking up while you are driving.

This can be fatal.

  • When you drive stop frequently and stretch your legs and have a snack.
  •  Have someone drive with you on long distance trips.
  • Keep the temperature of your car on the cooler side so that you do not get too comfortable. Make sure that there is good fresh air circulation. This will keep you more alert and also expel any car fumes that might build up during long drives.
  • Do not use cruise control as you might get too comfortable. Watch your posture with legs not fully extended in a relaxed position – your body might think it is in bed! Change your position frequently – chew gum – stretch your neck – move your eyes etc
  • If possible try to do your long distance driving during daylight hours especially if this follows your regular sleep routine. During the day there is less glare and the road is visible and more interesting to keep you alert.
  • At night avoid letting your eyes become hypnotised by the white lines (especially if you drive on the line).

If you feel fatigue – get some sleep at a rest area. If it is late at night find a motel and get a good rest in a bed and then you will be much more alert the next day.