Matches aren’t always available to you, in situations like this you have several options, some more readily available than others.
Waterproof match case
If you have bought the correct kind of waterproof match case, it will often contain a mini flint on the bottom, for when you run out of matches.
To use this simply strike it with a knife or a strong sharp rock and catch the spark in your tinder bundle until it catches fire.
Battery and chewing gum wrapper
If you have these 2 things available to you, simply place the battery (negative side down) on the metallic part pf a gum wrapper and then touch the wrapper to the positive side, the wrapper will catch flame.
A similar method can be used by replacing the wrapper with a metallic wire that passes through your tinder pile. Generally, if you have a larger battery (from a car) this is a more effective method.
Magnesium fire block and flint
One of the most and most reliable methods of creating a spark is to buy a magnesium block with a flint, you simply use a hard object such as a knife to shave off some of the magnesium and then use the flint to create a spark.
The magnesium shavings will burn very hot and catch easily, lighting any tinder or kindling that you are using.
Sun and glass
Any convex lens (one that bulges out in the middle) can be used to create a fire if you have sunlight available to you. Simply place the glass in a position that catches the sun (you will know you have done this right as the sun will create a smaller spot on the ground in front of you).
Aim the small spot of sun at your pile of tinder and it will catch light in some time.