How to grow onions

Growing onions from seeds


Growing onions from seeds is easy, and you can do it whether you’re a beginner gardener or an experienced one. You can start with small seeds that produce small bulbs, or you can start with large seeds that produce large bulbs. Either way, growing them at home is a great way to save money on your onion purchases!


Planting onion seeds is easy.

There are a few things you need to know before planting onion seedlings, though.

First, when should I plant my onion seeds? Allium cepa generally needs between 60 and 90 days of temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) in order to produce the best yields. If your climate falls outside this window and doesn’t provide adequate chilling hours, your crop will not thrive and may fail altogether. Luckily, there are some tricks you can employ if you want to grow onions in areas that don’t meet these requirements:

  • Planting onion seedlings early in the season gives them enough time to form bulbs before it gets too hot outside—but be careful not to let them grow into full-sized bulbs or else they’ll get bitter!
  • You can also try putting them under rows of wood chip mulch for insulation from heat sources like solar radiation during long summer days when temperatures rise above 80 degrees F (27 C). Just make sure not too much moisture builds up beneath because this could cause rotting problems that would ruin all good efforts put forth thus far!


Growing onions from seed is a fun and rewarding project. The first thing you will want to do is get some onion seeds started by following these steps:

  • Plant the seeds in a well-drained soil.
  • Plant them about 1/4 inch deep and water regularly, but keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  • Thin the seedlings to 6 inches apart when they are still small (or transplant into pots).


Harvesting your onions is best done when the plants start to die back, signaling that they are ready to be harvested. If you wait too long, they will become woody and unusable.

To harvest your onion bulbs, use a sharp knife or garden clippers to cut the tops off of the plants. This should leave about 1/2 inch (1 cm) of stem attached at the base of each bulb. Be sure not to cut into any green leaves as this will cause rot in your onion bulbs when stored later on!

Take care removing dirt from around each bulb as it is important that they remain clean so they don’t spoil prematurely while being stored.

Once all of your onions have been harvested, store them upright in a cool dry place with good ventilation until you are ready for them (they can last up to two months).


To store onions, place them in a cool, dry place. You can store them in the pantry or a paper bag. If you live in a humid climate, it’s best not to keep your onions near potatoes or other fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene gas.

Grow onions from seeds.

Growing onions from seed is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to grow them. It is a good way to start with onion growing if you are new to it because once the seeds have been planted in soil, there is not much work required for them to grow into mature plants.

The first thing that you will need to do when planting the seeds is prepare the soil where they will be growing by making sure that it has adequate nutrients and moisture content so that it remains healthy for your onions’ growth. This can be done through adding compost or manure into the ground prior to planting so that when you sow your seeds later on, they receive all of these helpful minerals from the soil for their growth needs.


One of the biggest benefits of growing onions from seeds is that you can choose exactly which varieties to grow. You can also save money on buying the plants, since they cost more than seeds and take longer to produce.

In addition, growing your own onions means that you will know exactly how long it takes before they are ready to harvest and eat! This is especially helpful if you’re growing them in a small space like an apartment balcony or patio where other plants might be able to steal some nutrients away from their roots as they grow taller.”

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