Fear & Panic

Panic can cause a person to act without thinking.

  •  To feel fear is normal and necessary. It is natures way of giving you that extra shot of energy. A Caveman would sleep and at the first unusual sound would bound up and get out of danger’s way. This rapid response is due to an extra charge of adrenaline and it is released by the body because of fear.
  •  Undue fear is usually Caused by the unknown. Look carefully at a situation to determine if your fear is justified. Upon investigation you will usually find many of your fears are unreal. The dangerous noise might be a squirrel dropping a nut falling from a tree and bouncing through the leaves.
  •  If you are injured pain might turn fear into panic. Panic can cause a person to act without thinking and go running off into the forest.
  • Panic can be caused by loneliness which can lead to hopelessness, thoughts of suicide and carelessness.
  • Keep your mind busy and plan for survival. Recognizing the signs of fear and panic will help you overcome their devastating effect. Develop a plan for the next few days. This will raise your morale. Make sure that your doorway faces east towards the rising sun. Get up as soon as it is light and get busy.