DIY vertical wind turbine

DIY vertical wind turbine kit


Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are a growing technology in renewable energy. They are more efficient than traditional horizontal axis turbines, which use up to two-thirds of their power to move the blades around a circle. VAWT designs harness more energy from the wind due to their vertical orientation, and they can be placed closer together because they don’t interfere with each other like horizontal turbines do.

Vtsr Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) Design

The Vtsr Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) design is one of the most efficient vertical axis wind turbines available. This type of turbine has been used for centuries, but it’s only recently that we’ve been able to harness the power of VAWTs on a large scale.

VTs are more aerodynamic than their horizontal axis counterparts because they don’t need to turn into the wind in order for them to function properly. This means that you’ll be able to produce more energy when compared with other types of turbines.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

Vertical axis wind turbines are generally cheaper to build than horizontal axis turbines. This is because they don’t need many parts and there is less to assemble. Vertical axis wind turbines can also be quieter than horizontal axis models, although this depends on the type of design you choose. Vertical Axis wind turbines are more efficient than their horizontal counterparts, making them better options for places that receive a lot of wind but that don’t have much space for large open spaces in which to set up your turbine.

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines can be placed closer to buildings and trees without causing any damage or interfering with their energy production capabilities. They’re also easier to install on roofs or other flat surfaces because they don’t need any extra support structures added while they’re being assembled (like some other types do).

Do-It-Yourself VAWT

Here is what you need to build a vertical axis wind turbine, or VAWT:

  • A tower. A 55-foot tower is ideal for most people. You can use anything from a telephone pole to your neighbor’s tree house. (The higher the better.)
  • An alternator with an internal permanent magnet generator. The alternator is what converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by generating electricity when it spins around. The permanent magnet generator uses magnets instead of coils and produces more power than conventional generators do at lower speeds of rotation, which means less noise and vibration during operation! We sell this amazing device right here in our store! Just look under “Alternators.”
  • A motor designed specifically for the alternator used in this project (see above). Some motors require more torque than others do; so make sure yours will be able to handle the load! This motor comes with its own mounting bracket but if yours doesn’t have one then we have them available as well; just search “Brackets” on our website and choose whichever size best fits your needs/budget…

If you are considering building a wind turbine and want to try out a vertical wind turbine design, you can use a simple kit.

If you are considering building a wind turbine and want to try out a vertical wind turbine design, you can use a simple kit. These kits include all the parts necessary for a vertical wind turbine that is ready to be assembled. They also come with easy-to-follow instructions so that you have everything laid out in front of you as soon as it arrives in the mail.

Vertical wind turbines are more efficient than horizontal wind turbines because they increase the amount of time during which blades are exposed to air currents (since they’re pointing up instead of down). This means that they’re able to capture more energy from every gust than their horizontal counterparts can—and given how much power is required just for basic necessities like keeping lights on or heating your home, this efficiency really adds up over time!


Hopefully, this article has given you an idea of how to design and build your own vertical axis wind turbine. The DIY kits are available for sale on the internet and can be shipped to your home quickly.