When traveling make it a habit to.-
- Check your approximate location on the map and try to compare its markings with your surroundings. Do this every 15 to 20 minutes.
- Direction of the wind.
- Watch where you cast a shadow to make sure you are not walking in circles and that you are not misreading the direction on your compass.
- How long have you traveled and estimate the distance covered.
- How do the contours of the land compare to the contours on the map?
- Major landmarks such as large hills, rivers or large trees,that have been passed.
- lf following a trail and somehow you lose your direction, do not just walk back but remember your “lost” position by looking for an identiable landmark and head back. Leave markings such as broken branches or blazes at “lost” position to find your way back. Make sure that you are following a blaze and not an abrasion on a tree caused by a falling branch or gnawed by an animal such as a moose or bear. Man made blazes will usually have a mechanical feature as a straight cut, etc. See Signals