All About Spelunking 

Have you ever been curious to find out what lies inside a cave? Maybe you’ve seen some pictures, played some video games that feature them, or seen one while on a hiking trip, and suddenly found yourself extra curious about going inside and exploring? Well, you’re in luck, because that is what spelunking is also all about. 


What is spelunking? 

Spelunking, also known as caving, is a recreational activity that involves the exploration of wild caves – explored or unexploredThat’s right, all caves are free for the picking, no matter if it has been mapped out by someone else or not. 

Caves vary in all shapes and sizes, and that includes the danger level. There are caves where you don’t have to worry about having to do any extreme physical activities like climbing walls or squeezing through tight spaces, and instead walk about and enjoy the sights on a paved path. These caves are easy and relaxing to walk in, as you there is little to no danger in your exploration. 

But there are also the more dangerous ones; these caves may push your physical abilities to the test, such as climbing, crawling, and even rappelling down. For the more extreme spelunkers, they may even undergo cave diving which in itself is also very dangerous. 

Even the safer and family-friendly caves may have tight spaces or steep ascents and descents, but these are usually much safer and toned down in comparison to the more difficult caves. Still, it would be in your best interest to always watch your step while exploring, no matter what kind of cave you are exploring. 

This activity involving going into caves, this means that there will be a lot of walls surrounding you. If you are claustrophobic or simply don’t like tight spaces in general, this activity is probably not a good fit for you. 


Where do you go spelunking? 

Make sure to do your research before attempting a spelunking trip! There are a lot of unexplored caves out there still, waiting for the right person to set foot in them. If you’re new and still unsure of your skill level, you can look up caving sites on the internet that have guided tours. There are also websites that offer insight on spelunking, especially on specific caves. 

If you don’t want to travel halfway across the world, you can also look up nearby caves on Google maps and try to find publications that people have made that outline and give guides on the cave itself. You want to get as much information as possible, especially if you’re new to the scene. 

Don’t just go randomly dropping into a random cave that you know nothing about. This can be a very dangerous or even deadly endeavor, especially if you’re new to the scene. Caves aren’t necessarily the most stable of places, as they have little to no light source, inconsistent space, and potentially loose walls or ground. Without the right experience and/or tools, you might find yourself lost or trapped, which is something you should avoid at all costs because getting stuck in a cave is especially dangerous. You won’t have a lot of space to move in, what with you being surrounded by walls in practically all possible directions. 



The risks of spelunking 

Spelunking is categorized by many as an extreme sport and for good reason: It requires you to be considerably prepared, as you will be heading inside a dark and confined space under the earth, and there is potential danger in all directions. For instance, the ceiling might cave in, or your only exit path might be blocked by a rockslide, trapping you inside. 

Then, there are the physical activities. Rock climbing is dangerous no matter where you do it, especially if it is on a high level, but it is even more dangerous while spelunking. If you lose your grip and fall, you may very well hit the opposite wall and land on solid rock down below, greatly injuring you in the process. 

This is why ample research is required before even attempting a journey into a cave, especially if you are new to spelunking. You don’t want to go caving on a cave that has not been properly explored yet, especially if it’s quite deep. You might be able to handle it eventually after gaining a lot of experience in caving, but for now, you’re better off sticking to the known caving spots or having a guided tour to teach you the ropes of what to expect when entering a cave. 



Caving is a recreational activity that not just anyone can get into. Tight spaces, steep ascents and descents, and other environmental hazards present a challenge to anyone who wants to get serious when it comes to caving. 

It’s not enough to be physically fit, you must have the right gear and the proper knowledge if you wish to descend into one of these caves, but the experience can be quite exhilarating for those who enjoy exploration. You can find things like rock formations, waterfalls, underground streams, and even animals like bats hiding inside these caves.  

For someone with an adventurous spirit, they may find themselves enjoying spelunking.