See your doctor for advice.
- First Aid kit
- Snakebite kit
- Insect repellent
- Moleskin for sore feet
- Salt tablets
- Baking soda
- Table salt
- Distilled water
- Rubbing alcohol
- Cotton applicators
- Bandages _
- Petroleum jelly
- Aspirin
- Mild antiseptic
- Tweezers
- Thick blunt needle
- Feminine napkins
- Scissors
- Medical thermometer
- Sterile gauze dressings, individually wrapped (2″X2″ and 4-“x4”).
- Piece of clean folded old bed sheet
- Roll of 1 /2″ wide adhesive tape
- Oral antibiotics for infections
- Nausea or vomiting tablets
- Motion sickness tablets
- Diarrhea medication
- Pepto Bismol – for travelers diarrhea (turista)
- Aromatic spirits of ammonia
- Steristrips for cuts (hold edges of cut together)
- Suturing kit (see your doctor)